How does wallPen work ?
WallPen Vertical printing solution uses four separate drop-on-demand (DOD) inkjet printheads with CMYK colors (cyan, magenta, yellow, black).
The unit automatically moves along the wall on a steered, patented platform on wheels controlled by laser sensors. Rails are not required, but are optionally available for cases where the floor is not sufficiently level.
How long does it take to print an image?
The speed is – depending on the selected quality and resolution – between 0.8 and 7 sqm per hour.
Can I remove the wallPrint ?
Of course! On glass, you can use a ceramic hob scraper or razor blade. Otherwise, a print can always be painted over in two or three layers.
Only on wood must be sanded or – as with metal or concrete – sandblasting or glass bead blasting.
I want to print logos, text or non standard images?
No problem at all! The wallPen is ready in minutes and prints even small text and coloured logos next to and onto doors and hallways. The device is the ideal signing solution for any kind of office or in hospitals, hotels and many other facilities.
How resistant is the ink and the wall print?
The ink holds its quality 3 – 6+ years outdoor and 12+ years indoor with transparent UV coating. It’s also instantly sealed/dried and highly scratch proof.
What is the resolution of the print?
Depending on your image we print in 185×185 dpi, 370×370 dpi, 370×600 or 370×720 DPI. Generally most images are rastered & printed in real 370 x 600 dpi. That sounds like relatively little, but don’t be dazzled by the competition’s fantasy figures. Real (!) 370×600 dpi on the wall is really awesome and definitely enough.
What background surfaces are suitable for print?
We use a very resistant plastic-like UV ink, that cures immediately under the integrated UV curing lamp and can almost be used on any kind of material. Plaster, wallpaper, wood, brick, paint, stone, plastic, glass, most tiles as-well as many more are proven and work very well.
What formats can be used for printing ?
You can practicably process and print any graphic image, sketch or picture, no matter if raster or vector. So AI, EPS, TIF, PNG, JPG, BMP are all right. You can use a graphic software like Photoshop® or Affinity Photo® to prepare your images. The WallPen® Processors works on .tif files.
What is the maximum size of a singe print ?
Printing height: The vertical axis is extremely flexible as it can be extended in 10 cm increments. The lowest ceiling height for using the wallPen is 1.6 m (5 ft 2″ ). After that, the axis can optionally be extended up to 4 m (13 ft) print height in 10 cm (4 in) increments.
Printing width: unlimited
Due to the limitations of inkjet technology, there are margins in corners to adjacent walls, floor and ceiling. These are 6 cm (2.3″) on the left, 10 cm (3.3″) on the right, 22 cm (8.6″) on the top, and 14 cm (5.5″) on the bottom.